Roman Tereshchenko: biography

페이지 정보

작성자 Otilia
댓글 0건 조회 85회 작성일 24-07-16 00:19


Roman Tereshchenko is a leading business analyst of a large international IT-company.
Place of birth, family.
Roman Tereshchenko's biography began in a beautiful Ukrainian city, the pearl of the Black Sea - Odessa. He was born on October 23, 1990, терещенко роман викторович in a family of teachers.
In 2012 - graduated from the National Polytechnic University of Odessa. Upon graduation he received a master's degree in computer science.
Studying at one of the leading technical universities of Ukraine was approved by his family. A strong educational background gave Roman Tereshchenko deep knowledge and skills in developing, analyzing and managing information systems. This became the foundation for building a brilliant professional biography of a business analyst.
2013: the young graduate decided not to leave his family and stayed in Odessa and started working in one of the prestigious IT companies.
At the initial stage, Роман Терещенко биография he analyzed product requirements, worked on improving the user interface and the experience of interaction with the product. The analyst actively studied Agile and Scrum methodologies, which made it easy to adapt to changes in project requirements.
2015: passed the business analysis certification (CBAP). After that, he started to actively work on projects in the field of big data and machine learning, which allowed him to expand the company's analytical capabilities.
In 2018, Roman Tereshchenko left Odessa to become a business analyst for a large international corporation.
Main specialization: transformation of modern financial technologies for business.
2019-2021 - closely involved in the implementation of digital payment systems in business, including - NFC-technologies.
Since 2022 and till today Roman Tereshchenko is one of the leading business analysts of the company. He develops solutions to automate KYC (know your customer) and AML (anti-money laundering) compliance processes. How has this helped the business?
It has strengthened the reputation of the company:
Strict KYC procedures ensure transparency in business operations, which builds trust with customers and investors.
Compliance with AML norms helps the company avoid associations with illegal activities such as money laundering, which protects its reputation.
Confirmed the company's compliance with regulatory requirements.
Helped in improving risk management.
KYC procedures help identify and assess the risks associated with new and терещенко роман викторович existing clients. This enables the company to make informed decisions on cooperation.
Optimized customer service.
Personalization of services. Knowing the customer through KYC allows companies to offer products and services that match their needs.
Fast verification. Modern technologies and automation of KYC processes significantly speed up customer identification and verification processes.


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